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SponsorLab Blog
A collection of insightful articles to aid your thinking and your approach to managing your sponsorships to their most impactful performance.

Jan 293 min read
Newtonian Sponsorship: Overcoming and Embracing Inertia
Insufficient sponsorship measurement and management tends to happen because it always has. But that doesn't mean it always will.

Dec 12, 20243 min read
The Sponsorship Echo Chamber
The echo of our own self praise may sound sweet, but it is trapping our sponsorships in mediocrity.

Nov 27, 20242 min read
Performance Marketing or Sponsorship? Yes!
How sponsorship offers the ultimate convergent platform for the application of performance metrics to a traditionally brand-based art form.

Nov 5, 20243 min read
The Importance of the Sponsorship Score
In sport, the score is all that matters, and that's why we train and play. Sponsorship works much the same.

Oct 22, 20243 min read
Is Your Sponsorship Iterative?
Everything seems to be 'iterative' these days... and sponsorship must embrace the craze.

Mar 26, 20243 min read
Good Sponsorship is a Habit
Effective sponsorship execution isn't in KNOWING what to do, success lies in the DOING... and that requires good HABITS.

Mar 11, 20243 min read
The Time Variable in Sponsorship
Good sponsorship is instantly visible and attention-grabbing... but the real value comes with time.

Nov 16, 20235 min read
Fear of Sponsorship Measurement
To get the most from our sponsorships, we must put aside our fear of scrutiny and embrace the truth.
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